Škvorc, Maja (2016) Dvostruka ekspozicija u fotografiji. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mikota, Miroslav].
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Kroz ovaj diplomski rad biti će obrađena i opisana tehnika fotografiranja – dvostruka ekspozicija. To je fotografska tehnika kod koje dolazi do preklapanja dviju ili više fotografija na jednom snimku. U teorijskom dijelu rada pisat će se općenito o fotografiji te će biti opisani počeci korištenja ovakve tehnike kroz povijest i njen utjecaj na društvo, osvrnut će se na najpoznatija djela i umjetnike ove grane fotografije. Poseban je naglasak na kreativnom aspektu i mogućnostima koje pruža korištenje dvostruke ekspozicije i kako se očituje u finalnom izgledu fotografije. U eksperimentalnom dijelu korištene su tri metode dobivanja dvostruke ekspozicije: digitalno, klasičnim fotografskim aparatom i pomoću programa Adobe Photoshop. Cilj rada je vlastitim fotografijama potkrijepiti i primijeniti teoretska saznanja i time prikazati različite postupke dobivanja dvostruke ekspozicije. Ovim se radom i popratnim istraživanjem nastoji predstaviti i usporediti tehnike dvostruke ekspozicije, počevši od samih početaka dobivanja iste u analognom fotoaparatu, preko odabira opcija ugrađenih u digitalnom aparatu, pa sve do modifikacije fotografija u nekom od programa za obradu fotografija.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Mikota, Miroslav |
Thesis Committee: | Žiljak Stanimirović, Ivana and Mikota, Miroslav and Mrvac, Nikola |
Defence date: | 27 September 2016 |
Abstract in english: | Through this thesis will be discussed and described techniques of photography - double exposure. This is a photographic technique in which two or more images overlap in one shots. In the theoretical part of the work will be written generally about photography and will be described the beginnings of the use of these techniques throughout history and its impact on society, will look at the most famous works of the artists of this branch of photography. Particular emphasis is on the creative aspect and the possibilities offered by the use of double exposure and that is reflected in the final appearance of the photo. In the experimental part were used three methods of obtaining double exposure: digital, classic camera and using Adobe Photoshop. The aim is to substantiate with their own photographs and apply the theoretical knowledge and thus show different methods of making a double exposure. This paper and accompanying study aims to present and compare the technique of double exposure, starting from the beginning to obtain the same in the analog camera, through selecting the built-in digital camera, to the modification of photos in one of the programs for photo editing. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | fotografija, dvostruka ekspozicija, klasični fotografski aparat, digitalni fotografski aparat, Photoshop |
Keywords in english: | photography, double exposure, classic camera, digital camera, Photoshop |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 36 |
Callnumber: | MIK 2016 ŠKV |
Inventory number: | DB553 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 14 Nov 2016 12:02 |
Last Modified: | 14 Nov 2016 12:02 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/2605 |
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