Hackenberger Kutuzović, Anna Maria (2016) 3D simulacija modeliranja biljke bršljana. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Bjelovučić Kopilović, Sanja].
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Grafika u smislu trodimenzionalnog stvaralaštva godinama nastoji shvatiti, a time i reproducirati mnoge elemente životnog okruženja, tako i biljke koje su različite svaka na svoj način. Svaka biljka, ima različit oblik i građu i zbog problema složenosti grananja danas postoje mnoga područja grafičkih 3D oblikovanja koji taj problem rješavaju. Kao takve nastojimo ih što vjernije i kvalitetnije prikazati različitim 3D modelima. Kako bi bolje shvatili biljne vrste potrebno ih je dobro proučiti i shvatiti njihov rast. Biljka bršljana je biljka penjalica koja raste najčešće prema gore. Ovisno o položaju, odnosno području, klimi i vegetaciji raste proizvoljno sa različitim brojem grananja. Modeliranje takvih biljaka danas postaje brže i jednostavnije uz pomoć različitih računalnih sustava, odnosno kombinacijom njihovih jezika. One spadaju u žive sustave, stoga biljke spadaju u mehaniku živih sustava, odnosno biomehaniku. Za stvaranje različitih biljnih vrsta postoje mnogi dodaci unutar 3D programa pomoću kojih se lako i brzo izrađuju različite biljne vrste sa promjenom različitih parametara. Takvi parametri vrlo su bitni za samo modeliranje i danas sve više napreduju. U radu su se istražili i usporedili parametri za izradu modela biljke bršljana unutar Blender programa i Autodesk 3ds Max programa, te utvrdile prednosti i mane tih programa kod različitih parametara za brzinu i kvalitetu izrade gotovih modela. Izrađeni modeli dobiveni su slično, ali ne i potpuno isto kao referentne fotografije. Dodatak za izradu bršljana u 3ds Max programu ima mnogo više parametara, time se i model bršljana može više kontrolirati za razliku od Blendera. Ipak Blender ima jednostavniji pristup i mogućnost bržeg stvaranja modela bršljana.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Bjelovučić Kopilović, Sanja |
Thesis Committee: | Skala, Tibor and Bjelovučić Kopilović, Sanja and Mikota, Miroslav |
Defence date: | 30 September 2016 |
Abstract in english: | The graphics in terms of three-dimensional creativity is trying for years to understand, and thus reproduce many of the elements of the environment, as well as plants that are different in their own way. Each plant has a different shape and structure and due to the complex problem of plant branching today there are many areas of 3D graphic design shapes that resolve that problem. As such we try to depict every plant as faithfully and accurately to their original state. To better understand the plant species they have to be thoroughly studied and understood in their growth. The plant ivy is a plant that grows mostly climbing herself up. Depending on the situation or area, climate and vegetation ivy grows arbitrarily with different branching positions. Modeling of such plants has become faster and easier with the help of various computer systems or a combination of their language. They are categorized as a living system, so therefore plants belong to the mechanics of living systems and biomechanics. To create a different plant species there are many accessories within the 3D program which can easily and quickly produce different plant species with changing various parameters. These parameters are very important for modeling and today are more and more advanced. In the paper are result of investigating and comparing parameters for modeling the plant ivy in the Blender program and Autodesk 3ds Max program and also identifying strengths and weaknesses of these programs in a variety of parameters for speed and the quality of producing finished models. Developed models were obtained similarly, but did not exactly look the same as the reference image. Add-on for the production of ivy in 3ds Max program has many more parameters, thus the model of ivy can be more controlled and specified unlike ivy in Blender program. However, Blender has easier access and faster possibility of creating a model of ivy. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | 3D sustav, Blender, 3dsMax, biomehanika, Ivy Generator |
Keywords in english: | 3D system, Blender, 3dsMax, biomechanics, Ivy Generator |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 56 |
Callnumber: | BJE 2016 HAC |
Inventory number: | DB604 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 16 Dec 2016 12:23 |
Last Modified: | 16 Dec 2016 12:23 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/2656 |
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