Kovačević, Dorotea (2016) Model grafičkog oblikovanja sigurnosnih piktograma na ambalaži = Model of graphic design of safety pictograms on the packaging. Dissertation (PhD) thesis. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Brozović, Maja].
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Sigurnosni piktogrami prenose poruku koja proizvod čini sigurnim za uporabu, spriječavajući štetne posljedice i eventualno nezadovoljstvo korisnika. Da bi prijenos informacije bio učinkovit, sigurnosni piktogrami prvenstveno trebaju biti uočljivi. U okviru disertacije istraženi su utjecaji tehničko-tehnoloških karakteristika ambalaže na uočljivost apliciranih piktograma, te je uspostavljen funkcijski odnos između parametara definiranih strukturom piktograma i tehnološkom izvedbom ambalaže. Cilj istraživanja bio je opisati potencijalne utjecaje ovih varijabli na mogućnost zapažanja nestandardiziranih oblika piktograma u svrhu unaprijeđenja kreativnih i izvedbenih procesa pri grafičkom oblikovanju ambalaže. Uočljivost piktograma ispitana je dvjema metodama; objektivnim putem pomoću tehnologije koja omogućava praćenje pogleda oka, i subjektivnim putem provedbom vizualne procjene, u sklopu čega se dodatno anketnim upitnikom ispitivao i stupanj atraktivnosti promatrane ambalaže. Rezultati su pokazali snažnu korelaciju između objektivne i subjektivne evaluacije. Najznačajnije otkriće je da ambalažne karakteristike imaju slabiji utjecaj na uočljivost piktograma nego što ga imaju strukturalni elementi oblikovanja piktograma. Među ispitivanim ambalažnim varijablama, samo se oblik pokazao utjecajnim. S druge strane, varijable oblikovanja piktograma u većoj su mjeri determinirale stupanj uočljivosti piktograma. Pokazalo se da piktogrami većih dimenzija, koji su dvobojno strukturirani brže privlače pažnju, dok ju oni s debljom linijom i duže zadržavaju. Zaključno je predložen novi model grafičkog oblikovanja piktograma koji su svojim grafičkim parametrima, ostvarenim prema definiranim strukturalnim elementima, prilagođeni specifičnostima tehnološke izvedbe ambalaže, na način koji omogućava njihovu optimalnu uočljivost. Dodatni nalaz interesantan dizajnerskoj praksi je da predloženi sustav oblikovanja piktograme čini uočljivijima, ali ne i ambalažu manje atraktivnom.
Item Type: | Dissertation (PhD) thesis |
Mentor name: | Brozović, Maja |
Thesis Committee: | Pibernik, Jesenka and Milčić, Diana and Možina, Klementina |
Defence date: | 12 December 2016 |
Abstract in english: | Purpose: The research investigated users’ perception of the packaging with safety pictograms in order to develop a new model that describes the role of technological and structural determinants in directing users’ visual attention. Background: The literature review suggests that users’ perception of the product is influenced by the packaging attributes such as shape, colour, material and print technique. Furthermore, users’ attention can be driven by the information on the packaging and the visual saliency of these information achieved by contrast, stroke, size and colour combinations. Despite growing body of research on the warnings and the problems generated by distractors that interrupt users’ attention and compliance, there is a lack of scientific knowledge regarding the effect of mentioned features on the noticeability of safety messages. Methodology: Two main experiments were conducted to test whether packaging characteristics and structural elements of the pictograms would affect their noticeability. One experiment was based on the objective measures gathered by eye-tracking system, while second experiment provided subjective scores by the participants' visual assessments. Additionally, the attractiveness of the packaging was examined in order to determine any potential possibilities that very noticeable safety messages might decrease the aesthetic aspects of the packaging. 288 packaging samples were designed especially for the purpose of the investigation, and they were viewed by more than 200 participants. Results: The effect of structural elements of the pictograms was statistically significant for the most conditions, but was not significant across all conditions. The effect of packaging characteristic was notable weaker than pictogram's attributes. Only the shape of the packaging affected the possibility that participant would notice the pictograms. These findings were supported by the subjective evaluation, indicating strong correlation between objective and subjective measures. Another finding is that prominent pictograms do not negatively affect the attractiveness of the packaging. Conclusions: The results provided guidelines for improving the design of product packaging. Designers can use the model for objective evaluation of innovative pictograms without additional costs caused by testing them in real-world conditions. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | piktogram, ambalaža, uočljivost |
Keywords in english: | pictogram, packaging, noticeability |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 140 |
Callnumber: | 655.3.062.2 KOV m |
Inventory number: | 10180 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 19 Jan 2017 12:39 |
Last Modified: | 19 Jan 2017 12:39 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/2668 |
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