Matica, Antea (2017) Tehnike animiranja fotografije. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Strgar Kurečić, Maja].
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Ovaj diplomski bavi se tehnikama animiranja fotografje. U istraživanju su se pokušale pobrojati sve danas postojeće tehnike. Tehnike koje se spominju su lentikular, paralaks fotografja, cinemagraph, time-lapse, hyper-lapse i stop-motion. Za svaku tehniku napravljen je sažeti uvid u povijesni razvoj i glavne predstavnike tehnike te je ukratko opisan postupak izrade i potrebne opreme. Neke tehnike isprobane su kao dio ovog diplomskog i prezentirane u formi fotografskog eseja. Iz tog razloga je i pojam fotografskog eseja dodatno pojašnjen u radu, točnije što je fotografski esej, kako se stvara i koje vrste eseja postoje. U izradi animiranih fotografja pokušalo se pokriti što više tehnika, prezentirati ih na zanimljiv način te pri tome pokazati kako se stvaraju i koje su njihove prednosti i mane. Pri tome je opisan cijeli proces izrade ovakvog projekta od planiranja, izrade storyboarda do obrade fotografja i izrade animacija. Zaključak rada je da animirana fotografja ima budućnost osobito u današnje vrijeme kada tehnologije i programi omogućavaju jednostavnu izradu ovakvog medija te postoje širokodostupni uređaji koji ovakve sadržaje čine atraktivnim.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Strgar Kurečić, Maja |
Thesis Committee: | Mandić, Lidija and Strgar Kurečić, Maja and Poljičak, Ante |
Defence date: | 28 September 2017 |
Abstract in english: | This master thesis explores the topic of techniques used for photography animation. The thesis tries to numbers all the techniques known today. Techniques that are mentioned are lenticular photography, parallax photography, cinemagraph, timelapse, hyper-lapse and stop-motion. For each technique a concise insight is provided into it’s history and it’s main representatives while also describing the creation process and listing the equipment necessary for creating it. Some of the listed techniques are tested in this thesis and presented as a photo essay. For that reason the term photo essay is aditionally explored: what the term means, the creative process behind it and which types of photo essays exist. In the process of creating animated photographies for this thesis as many tehniques as possible were used and later presented in an interesting way while also describing how they were created, what their flaws and advantages are. An insight is also given into the creative process behind a project like this from the planning faze and storyboard creation to the photo editing and animation part of the project. The main conclusion is that animated photography has a bright future with technologies and softwares that make creative process easier and with widely accessible devices that make content like this attractive. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | animirana fotografja, fotografski esej, paralaks fotografja, cinemagraph, stop-motion |
Keywords in english: | animated photography, photo essay, parallax photography, cinemagraph, stop-motion |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 62 |
Callnumber: | STR 2017 MAT |
Inventory number: | DB698 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 06 Feb 2018 12:08 |
Last Modified: | 06 Feb 2018 12:08 |
URI: | |
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