Grafički elementi bankovnih kartica

Lacković, Klaudija (2018) Grafički elementi bankovnih kartica. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Zjakić, Igor].

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Napretkom tehnologije, kupce se potiĉe na evoluciju u kupnji i plaćanju pa se stoga sve više razvijaju razni naĉini plaćanja. Zbog toga će se u ovom radu spomenuti tri naĉina plaćanja: gotovinsko, kartiĉno i putem Interneta, sa svojim karakteristikama, naĉinima izrade te njihovim prednostima i nedostacima. Cilj ovog rada stvoriti je imaginarnu bankovnu karticu koja će sadrţavati nove elemente i naĉine zaštite njezinih podataka u grafiĉkom pogledu. Kartica će se izraĊivati unutar Adobe Illustrator CS6 programa te će uz opisane korake i njihove pripadajuće fotografije navesti vlastiti primjeri implementacije i zaštite raznih dijelova kartice iako se ona fiziĉki neće izraĊivati. Razlog izrade kartice je taj što se raznim istraţivanjima dokazala njihova sve veća upotreba, bez obzira što ne pruţaju anonimnost kao gotovina. Zbog toga, upotreba gotovine nikad neće prestati. Iako se grafika i zaštita vrijednosnica i dokumenata svakodnevno razvija, vrijeme će pokazati pozitivne ili negativne uĉinke spajanja svih tih dokumenata u jednu karticu.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Zjakić, Igor
Thesis Committee: Banić, Dubravko and Zjakić, Igor and Bates, Irena
Defence date: 25 September 2018
Abstract in english: With the revolution in technology, buyers are encouraged to evolve in buying and paying. Therefore, many buying and paying methods are increasingly developing. For this reason, this paper will mention three ways of payment: cash, credit and paying via Internet. Idea of this paper is to create an imaginary bank card which will contain new and existing graphic and security elements. The card will be made with Adobe Illustrator CS6 software with the process description of making it. Along with the description, there will be pictures of each step and own example of implementation and security of each element of the card, although the card itself won't physically be made. The reasons of her development are the results of various studies that have proven that credit cards are increasingly used, regardless of their lack of anonymities as cash. Therefore, the use of cash will never end. Although graphic and security elements of various documents are improved on a daily basis, the positive and negative effects of merging all of those documents are jet to be discovered.
Uncontrolled Keywords: gotovinsko plaćanje, kartiĉno plaćanje, plaćanje putem Interneta
Keywords in english: paying via cash, paying via credit card, paying via Internet
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 112
Callnumber: ZJA 2018 LAC
Inventory number: DB772
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 18 Jan 2019 09:39
Last Modified: 18 Jan 2019 09:39

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