Kreiranje ilustriranog turističkog vodiča i reklamnih materijala za Bosnu i Hercegovinu

Pezić, Iva (2018) Kreiranje ilustriranog turističkog vodiča i reklamnih materijala za Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Jurković, Vanda].

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U ovom radu se bavi realizacijom idejnog rješenja za ilustrirani turistički vodič za Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Svaki ozbiljniji putnik u svojoj kolekciji ima nekoliko turističkih vodiča ili je iste već koristio na svojim putovanjima. U teoretskom dijelu rada istražen je pojam ilustracije i povijest ilustracije. Priloženi su primjeri i opisi za vrste ilustracije: tradicionalna i moderna ilustracija. Potom je ponuđeno više informacija o mediju koji je korišten za izradu ilustracija - Apple iPad Pro u kombinaciji sa Apple Pencil (olovkom). Analizirane su mogućnosti koje nudi taj medij, kao i primjeri ilustracija načinjenih upravo na njemu. U praktičnom dijelu rada je naglasak na procesu stvaranja ilustracija pa i samog vodiča i ostalih reklamnih materijala. Početak tog procesa je započeo sa temeljitim istraživanjem o strukturi turističkih zajednica u Bosni i Hercegovini, kontaktom nadležnih osoba, prikupljanja materijala, a potom konkretni rad na samoj realizaciji. Objašnjen je odabir kolor sheme, tipografije, stila ilustracija. Na kraju je korišten širok spektar programa kako bi se svi materijali realizirali. Za izradu ilustracija korištena je aplikacija Procreate na iPadu, prijelom turističkog vodiča i razglednice su složene u Adobe InDesignu, naljepnice u Adobe Illustratoru, a majice u Adobe Photoshopu.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Jurković, Vanda
Thesis Committee: Brozović, Maja and Jurković, Vanda and Dolić, Jurica
Defence date: 27 September 2018
Abstract in english: This thesis looks at the realisation of the conceptual solution for an illustrated travel guide for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Every serious traveller has several tour guides in their collection or has already used them on their travels. The theoretical part of the thesis explores the notion of illustration and its history. Examples and descriptions of types of illustrations are provided: traditional and modern illustrations. Additional information is then provided on the medium used to make the illustrations – the Apple iPad Pro in combination with the Apple Pencil. The possibilities offered by this medium are analysed, as well as the examples of illustrations created on it. In the practical part of this thesis, the emphasis is on the process of creating illustrations, including the guide itself and other advertising materials. This process began with thorough research of the structure of tourist communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, followed by the contact of competent persons, collection of necessary materials, and finally concrete work on its realisation. Collected tourist materials are analysed. The choice of colour scheme, typography and style of illustration is explained. A wide range of programs was used to produce all the materials. Procreate application for iPad was used to create the illustrations, Adobe InDesign was used to fold the tour guide and create postcards, Adobe Illustrator was used to create stickers, and Adobe Photoshop to create T-shirts. The final result is displayed in this thesis.
Uncontrolled Keywords: ilustracija, turistički vodič, reklamni materijal, Bosna i Hercegovina, iPad Pro
Keywords in english: illustration, tourist guide, promo materials, Bosnia and Herzegovina, iPad Pro
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 70
Callnumber: JUR 2018 PEZ
Inventory number: DB787
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2019 09:27
Last Modified: 22 Jan 2019 09:27

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