Šimundić, Domagoj (2019) Upotreba DSLR aparata kao alata za digitalizaciju negativskog filma i negativ-pozitiv konverzija. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mikota, Miroslav].
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Digitalizacija filmskog negativa podrazumijeva pretvorbu klasičnog zapisa tonova sa fotografskog negativskog filma u binarni (računalni) zapis. Optimalan način takve vrste digitalizacije bio bi korištenje posebnog skenera, no u ovom radu službu skenera zamijenio je moderni DSLR fotografski aparat, u kombinaciji s ,,macro” lećom u svrhu dobivanja maksimalno kvalitetnog krajnjeg rezultata sa mnoštvom sitnih detalja. Proces digitalizacije odvijao se u dva koraka. Prvi korak bio je fotografiranje filmskog negativa na specifičan način, dok je drugi korak bila obrada dobivene fotografije dotičnog negativa u programu ,,Photoshop”, što podrazmijeva konverziju negativskih tonova u pozitivske, te daljnju korekciju svih boja sa fotografije dok se ne postigne zadovoljavajuć rezultat. Pri fotografiranju filmskog negativa korištena su sljedeća pomagala: izvor bijelog svjetla (zaslon smartphone mobilnog uređaja ili tableta), difuzor svjetla (tanka, ravna poluprozirna plastika), stativ fotografskog aparata koji omogućava postavljanje aparata u položaj vertikalan nad vodoravnu plohu na kojoj stativ stoji, te naravno DSLR fotografski aparat i pripadajući objektiv. Tijek fotografiranja odvijao se na sljedeći način. Fotografski aparat sa macro lećom bio je pričvršćen za fiksni stativ koji je bio postavljen na stol. Fotografski aparat se nalazio u položaju takvom da je bio potpuno vertikalan nad vodoravnou plohu stola. Ispred leće fotografskog aparata bio je postavljen smartphone uređaj preko čijeg zaslona se nalazio difuzor svjetla. Uloga difuzora svjetla bila je raspršiti svjetlo tako da pikseli sa zaslona mobilnog uređaja ne budu uočljivi. Na difuzor je bio postavljen fotografski negativski film, osvjetljen bijelim svjetlom sa zaslona mobilnog uređaja. Nakon što je negativ bio pravilno kadriran i oštro fokusiran, takav prizor se zabilježio fotografskim aparatom, u RAW formatu fotografskog zapisa. Dobivena fotografija zahtijeva daljnju obradu putem programa ,,Photoshop”, gdje se negativski tonovi konvertiraju u pozitivske. Nakon obrade, konačni rezultat je digitalizirana, pozitivska fotografija u JPEG zapisu.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Mikota, Miroslav |
Thesis Committee: | Matijević, Mile and Mikota, Miroslav and Mrvac, Nikola |
Defence date: | 29 January 2019 |
Abstract in english: | Digitizing a film negative implies converting a classic track record from a photographic negative film into a binary (computer) record. The optimum way of such digitization would be to use the a special scanner, but in this work, the scanner service was replaced by a modern DSLR photographic camera, combined with the macro lens, to obtain the highest quality end result with a host of tiny details. The process of digitization took place in two steps. The first step was to photograph a film negative in a specific way, while the second step was to process a picture of that negative in the “Photoshop” program, which involves converting the negative tones into positive and further correcting all the color of the photo until a satisfactory result is achieved. When using a film negative, the following aids have been used: a white light source (a smartphone display of a mobile device or a tablet), a light diffuser (a thin, straight semi transparent plastic), a photographic camera stand (tripod) that enables the appliance to be positioned vertical to the horizontal plane onto which the tripod is placed, and ofcourse DSLR photographic camera with its lens. The course of photography took place as follows. The camera with the macro lens was attached to the fixed stand that was placed on the desk. The camera was in a position such that it was completely vertical to the horizontal plane of the table. A smartphone device was installed in front of the camera lens, over which a light diffuser was on the screen. The role of the light diffuser was to scatter light so that pixels from the screen of a cell phone were not noticeable. On the diffuser was set a photographic negative film, illuminated with white light from the screen of a mobile device. After the negative was properly framed and sharply focused, such a scene was recorded in the cameras RAW format. The photo obtained requires further processing via the “Photoshop” program, where negative tones are converted into positive ones. After processing, the final result is a digitized, positive photo, saved in the JPEG format. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | negativ, digitalizacija, DSLR, negativ - pozitiv konverzija |
Keywords in english: | negative film, digitization, DSLR camera, negative - positive conversion |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 48 |
Callnumber: | MIK 2019 ŠIM |
Inventory number: | DB799 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 18 Feb 2019 09:28 |
Last Modified: | 18 Feb 2019 09:28 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/3011 |
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