Ženski lik u grafici - bakropis i akvatinta

Želežić, Ena (2019) Ženski lik u grafici - bakropis i akvatinta. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Jozić, Josip].

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U ovom završnom radu istraţit će se kako se razvijao motiv ţene kroz povijest umjetnosti s naglaskom na originalnu grafiku (bakropis i akvatintu). Opisat će se razlike između grafičkih tehnika bakropisa i akvatinte te ispitati način na koji su se primjenjivale. Bakropis i akvatinta tehnike su dubokog tiska koje koriste kiselinu kako bi kreirale motiv u metalnoj pločici, no primjenjuju se u različite svrhe. Za dobivanje linija različitih svjetlina koristi se bakropis, a za dobivanje ploha različitih svjetlina koristi se akvatinta. Analizirat će se najčešći motivi značajnih grafičara te obratiti pozornost na prikaz ţena kroz razvoj tehnike i promjenu društvenih odnosa. Ţena se kroz povijest smatrala manje vrijednom - sluškinjom koja se svodila na imovinu ili ulogu majke što su i odraţavali mitološki i religiozni motivi u likovnoj umjetnosti. Razvoj društva pridonio je promjeni uloge i slike ţene te su one postajale sve samostalnije i uključile se u pridonošenje umjetnosti vlastitim radovima. Praktični dio ovog završnog rada obuhvatit će opis postupka izrade vlastite originalne grafike, upozoriti na greške pri radu te analizirati likovne utjecaje.

Item Type: Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme
Mentor name: Jozić, Josip
Thesis Committee: Mikota, Miroslav and Jozić, Josip and Dragčević, Krešimir
Defence date: 16 July 2019
Abstract in english: This final paper will explore the development of the motif of a woman through the history of old master print (etching and aquatint). It will describe the differences between the printmaking techniques of etching and aquatint. Etching and aquatint both belong to the intaglio printmaking techniques which use acid to create a design in the metal plate, but they are used for different purposes. Etching is used for creating lines of varying intensity while aquatint is used for creating areas of different tone. The most frequent motives of old master prints will be analyzed and compared to the position of women through the development of printmaking and social relationships. Throughout history woman was considered less worthy. She was a maid, a man's possesion or a mother which was reflected in mythological and religious motifs of art. Changes in socio - political stances helped women to become independent and to be seen differently. Experimental part of this paper will describe the process of printmaking and warn about mistakes that can be made during the process as well as explain artistic influence.
Uncontrolled Keywords: originalna grafika, bakropis, akvatinta, duboki tisak
Keywords in english: old master print, etching, aquatint, intaglio printing
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 38
Callnumber: JOZ 2019 ŽEL
Inventory number: Z920
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2019 08:30
Last Modified: 06 Sep 2019 08:30
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/3021

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