Lean proizvodnja u grafičkoj industriji

Rapinac, Igor (2019) Lean proizvodnja u grafičkoj industriji. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Banić, Dubravko].

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Tema diplomskog rada je „Lean proizvodnja u grafičkoj industriji“. Većina ljudi se na neki način boji promjena zbog uhodanog načina rada, te mogućnosti predviđanja mogućih problematičnih situacija u poznatom poslovnom okruženju. Razvojem tehnologije (pametni telefon, prijenosno računalo) zahtjevi kupaca su se od tradicionalnih pretvorili u zahtjeve koji se baziraju na kratkim rokovima isporuke, različitim varijantama, uz zadržavanje visoke kvalitete gotovog proizvoda. Sama grafička industrija je doživjela najveće ubrzanje proizvodnog procesa upotrebom računala u grafičkoj pripremi u 20-tom stoljeću. Danas se može konstatirati da je grafička industrija u velikoj mjeri automatizirana i digitalizirana. U poslovnom okruženju koje obiluje tehnološki jakom konkurencijom poduzetnici su primorani koristiti se različitim alatima i tehnikama u svrhu smanjivanja svih vrsta troškova, te povećanja prihoda. Jedan od alata u modernoj povijest poslovanja je Lean management, koji još nije u potpunosti zaživio u grafičkoj industriji. Kroz ovaj rad bit će prikazana Lean metodologija sa svojim alatima i metodama kao i način implementacije kroz poštivanje osnovnih preduvjeta za implementaciju. Težište rada je na prikupljanju informacija o Lean alatima, kao i informacija o upotrebi Lean alata u grafičkoj industriji prema trenutno dostupnim istraživanjima. Osnovne ideje i metode Lean managementa su prvo nastale u praksi, a kasnije su razrađene i definirane određenim pravilima i obrascima. Lean management nisu samo unaprijed definirana pravila ili obrasci, već je to način razmišljanja, odnos prema poslu i odnos prema radnom okruženju ili poduzeću.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Banić, Dubravko
Thesis Committee: Pasanec Preprotić, Suzana and Banić, Dubravko and Donevski, Davor
Defence date: 18 July 2019
Abstract in english: The topic of the thesis is "Lean Production in the Graphics Industry". Most people tend to be afraid of change due to their habit of working and the possibility of predicting potential problematic situations in a familiar business environment. By developing technology (smartphone, laptop), customer requirements have been transformed from traditional to requirements based on short delivery times, with different variants, while retaining high quality finished products. The graphics industry itself has experienced the greatest acceleration of the production process using computer graphics in the 20th century. Today it can be stated that the graphics industry is largely automated and digitized. In a business environment that is abundant in technologyintensive competition, entrepreneurs are forced to use different tools and techniques to reduce all types of costs and increase revenue. One of the tools in the modern business history is Lean Management, which has not yet fully recovered in the graphics industry. Through this paper, the Lean methodology will be presented with its tools and methods as well as the implementation method by respecting the basic prerequisites for implementation. The focus is on gathering information on Lean tools as well as information on using Lean tools in the graphics industry according to currently available research. The basic ideas and methods of Lean Management were first developed in practice, and were later elaborated and defined by specific rules and patterns. Lean management is not just predefined rules or patterns, but it's a way of thinking, a relationship to work and a relationship to a working environment or a business.
Uncontrolled Keywords: lean metodologija, grafička industrija
Keywords in english: lean methodology, graphic industry
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 80
Callnumber: BAN 2019 RAP
Inventory number: DB811
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 10 Sep 2019 10:58
Last Modified: 10 Sep 2019 10:58
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/3047

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