Tipografska rješenja s primjenom Infraredesign tehnologije

Bogović, Tomislav (2020) Tipografska rješenja s primjenom Infraredesign tehnologije. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Stanić Loknar, Nikolina].


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U ovom diplomskom radu prikazati će se primjena Infraredesign® tehnologije s različitim vrstama tipografskih rješenja primjenjivih kako na ambalaži proizvoda, knjigama, novinama i dokumentima tako i u njenoj primjeni u čisto umjetničkom izražaju, npr. dizajnu plakata itd. Tipografska poruka vidljiva samo u infracrvenom spektru (Z) pridružuje se sadržaju grafike ili druge tipografske poruke vidljive u vizualnom dijelu spektra (V), kako bi zajedno činile jedinstvenu, a opet različitu i proširenu informaciju. Dizajn dvostrukih grafika kreira se s bojilima blizanaca. Za isti ton izrađuju se dva bojila različitog sastava koje imaju isti vizualni doživljaj, ali različit odziv u infracrvenom spektru. U ovom radu se primjenjuje sivi i crni ton svaki u dvije CMYK recepture. Jednotonska siva tipografija izvodi se četverobojno u prostoru svjetlosti od 400 do 1000 nm. Kreiraju se i višetonske grafike kao npr. fotografije i višetonske rozete, također jedna vidljiva u vizualnom, a druga u infracrvenom spektru. Za detekciju slike koja je ušla u infracrveni spektar koristi se dvostruka ZRGB kamera. Jedna kamera detektira samo vizualni dio(RGB) dok druga ulazi u infracrveno područje(Z) u koje ulazi i druga proširena oku nevidljiva informacija. Kako se cijeli proces dvostrukosti slike ili tekstualne informacije odvija unutar procesnog seta bojila (CMYK), takav pristup dizajnu informacije pruža veće i proširene mogućnosti grafičarima i dizajnerima u razvoju tipografskih elemenata koji u konačnici ne poskupljuje sam proces izvedbe takvih rješenja.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Stanić Loknar, Nikolina
Thesis Committee: Rudolf, Maja and Stanić Loknar, Nikolina and Bratić, Diana
Defence date: 22 September 2020
Abstract in english: This thesis will present the application of Infraredesign® technology with different types of typographic solutions applicable to product packaging, books, newspapers and documents as well as to purely artistic expression, eg poster design, etc. Typographic message visible only in the infrared spectrum (Z) joins the content of the graphic or other typographic message visible in the visual part of the spectrum (V), in order to together form a unique, yet different and expanded information. The design of the double graphics is created with twin dyes. For the same tone, two dyes of different composition are made that have the same visual experience, but a different response in the infrared spectrum. In this paper, gray and black tones are applied each in two CMYK recipes. Monotone gray typography is performed in four colors in a light space of 400 to 1000 nm. Multitone graphics such as photographs and multi-tone rosettes are also created, one visible in the visual and the other in the infrared spectrum. A dual ZRGB camera is used to detect an image that has entered the infrared spectrum. One camera detects only the visual part (RGB) while the other enters the infrared area (Z) into which other expanded invisible information enters. As the whole process of image or textual duplication takes place within a process dye set (CMYK), such an approach to information design provides greater and expanded opportunities for graphic artists and designers in developing typographic elements that ultimately do not increase the cost of performing such solutions.
Uncontrolled Keywords: tipografija, Infraredesign®, dvostruka slika, dizajn, zaštita
Keywords in english: typography, Infraredesign®, double image, design, protection
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 46
Callnumber: STA 2020 BOG
Inventory number: DB899
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 28 Jan 2021 11:02
Last Modified: 28 Jan 2021 11:02
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/3285

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