Mikolić, Anja (2020) Oblikovanje vizualne interakcije između proizvoda i ambalaže. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Dolić, Jurica].
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U radu se obrađuje vizualna interakcija proizvoda i ambalaže, njezin utjecaj na interakciju korisnika s ambalažom te afektivno djelovanje na korisnika. Ambalaža, kao prvi kontakt korisnika s proizvodom, postaje dio njegovog iskustva. Stoga, dizajner kod njenog oblikovanja, uz potrebu diferenciranja i isticanja među konkurencijom, treba voditi računa i o interakciji korisnika s proizvodom. Korisničko iskustvo postaje središte procesa dizajna, a kako bi se proizvod i ambalaža što bolje uklopili u život korisnika, definiraju se mogući scenariji upotrebe, željene asocijacije, stavovi i percepcija, korištenje te odlaganje. Time afektivna dimenzija ambalaže postaje bitan aspekt koji je potrebno ispitati. Pristup oblikovanju ambalaže kojim se ostvaruje vizualna interakcija proizvoda i ambalaže, na kreativan i inovativan način može stvoriti novi konotacijski kontekst, prezentirati priču robne marke ili komunicirati njene vrijednosti te tako stvoriti dodatnu vrijednost proizvoda koja može biti važan faktor u povezivanju s korisnikom te njegovoj krajnjoj odluci o kupnji. U radu se analiziraju postojeći primjeri interaktivne ambalaže, na osnovu čega se izrađuju različiti prototipovi ambalaže za potrebe istraživanja. Ispituje se utjecaj razine i vrste interakcije proizvoda i ambalaže na preferenciju te percepciju kvalitete. Dobivenim rezultatima definiraju se preferencija interakcije proizvoda i ambalaže kod ispitanog proizvoda te se određuju daljnja primjena i mogućnosti na tržištu.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Dolić, Jurica |
Thesis Committee: | Pibernik, Jesenka and Dolić, Jurica and Brozović, Maja |
Defence date: | 25 September 2020 |
Abstract in english: | This thesis describes the visual interaction of products and packaging with it's impact on the user, his personal interaction with packaging and affective action on the user. Packaging - the user's first contact with the product - becomes a part of his experience. Together with the need to differentiate and stand out among the competition, in the process of creating, designer should take into consideration this interaction of a user and product. The user experience becomes the focal point of the design, and in order to better accomodate the product and packaging into the user's lifestyle, possible usage scenarios, desired associations, attitudes and perceptions, use and disposal are defined. Thus, the affective side of the packaging becomes an important aspect that needs to be further examined. The approach to package design that creates a visual interaction of product and packaging in a creative and innovative way, can create a new connotational context, tell the brand's story or communicate it's values, Furthermore, it can create additional product value that can be an important factor in connecting with the user and his final purchasing decision. This thesis examines different prototypes of package design which are made using analyzed examples of existing interactive packaging. It also analyzes the influence of the level and type of interaction of product and packaging on user preference and perception of quality. The obtained results define the preference for the interaction of product and packaging for the tested product and determine further use and market opportunities. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | vizualna interakcija, proizvod, ambalaža, korisničko iskustvo, afektivna dimenzija |
Keywords in english: | visual interaction, product, packaging, user experience, affective side |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 66 |
Callnumber: | DOL 2020 MIK |
Inventory number: | DB943 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 31 Mar 2021 09:22 |
Last Modified: | 31 Mar 2021 09:22 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/3330 |
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