Lukac, Ivana (2008) Vizualna percepcija prirasta rastertonskih vrijednosti. Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Zjakić, Igor].
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Poznata je Ëinjenica da razliËite osobe vide i doæivljavaju istu boju na razliËiti naËin, no isto tako poznato je da razliËiti ureaji ne mogu proizvesti istu paletu boja jer svaki od tih ureaja drugaËije obrauje prikaz u boji. Kod svih tehnika tiska moæe doÊi do deformacije rasterskog elementa pri Ëemu otisak neÊe biti onakav kakvog ga vidimo na ekranu raËunala. U teorijskom dijelu ovog rada objaπnjena je laserska tehnika tiska kojom su dobiveni otisci te vizualna percepcija boja. Takoer, opisano je kako moæe doÊi do razliËitog doæivljaja boje, ne samo promjenom promatraËa, veÊ i promjenom osvjetljenja. U eksperimentalnom dijelu specificirani su i opisani upotrebljeni materijali i ureaji. Ispitivanja su provedena pod dnevnom svjetloπÊu na viπe osoba, dvadesetËetvero ispitanika usporeivalo je testne uzorke i ocjenjivalo sliËnost odnosno razliËitost otisnutih motiva. Razlika izmeu originala i reprodukcija je u pomaku pojedinih boja i iznosi po 2%. Rezultati ispitivanja bit Êe prikazani grafikonima, a na osnovu dobivenih rezultata bit Êe doneseni i zakljuËci.
Item Type: | Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme |
Mentor name: | Zjakić, Igor |
Defence date: | 2008 |
Abstract in english: | The fact that different persons see and experience the same colour on different way is well-known, and also it is well-known that different devices can’t produce the same palette of colours because every of that devices treat differently colour description. Deformation of the screen element can appear at all printing techniques and print will not be the same as that one on screen of computer. In theoretical part of this work is explained laser printing technique, which is used for printing, and visual perception of colour. Also, it is explained how can come to different experience of colour by changing observer and illumination. In experimental part are specified and described used materials and instruments. Testing are achieved under daily light on more persons, twenty-four examinees compared test samples and assessed resemblance and diversity of print motive. Difference between original and reproductions is in movement of particular colours and amounts per 2%. Results of testing will be presented by charts, on base of given results will be brought and conclusions. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Laserski tisak, vizualna percepcija boja, prirast rastertonskih vrijednosti |
Keywords in english: | Laser printing, visual perception of colour, dot gain |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 64 |
Callnumber: | zja 2008 luk |
Inventory number: | D647 |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2013 21:33 |
Last Modified: | 22 May 2014 08:22 |
URI: | |
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