Kolorimetrijske karakteristike sivog balansa u tisku

Viskić, Gorana (2010) Kolorimetrijske karakteristike sivog balansa u tisku. Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Zjakić, Igor].

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Eksperiment na kojem se temelji ovaj rad kreće od hipoteze kako postoji ovisnost između gustoće obojenja pojedine boje u tisku i smjera gibanja pridruženih točaka koje predstavljaju CMY polje sivog balansa u CIELAB sustavu. Na tri različite naklade mjerene su gustoće obojenja punih polja procesnih boja, te CIE L*a*b* vrijednosti sivog balansa. Na osnovu dobivenih rezultata pokazano je kako ne postoji dovoljno pravilnosti koje bi upućivale na točnost ove hipoteze. U zaključku su izneseni mogući problemi i razlozi za njeno odbacivanje, što ipak ne upućuje na njenu neispravnost. Osnovni razlog odbacivanja ove hipoteze temelji se na nedovoljno širokom rasponu vrijednosti gustoća obojenja boja u tisku kroz pojedinu nakladu, te nemogućnost praćenja situacije kada se mijenja gustoća obojenja samo jedne boje, dok ostale ostaju konstantne.

Item Type: Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme
Mentor name: Zjakić, Igor
Defence date: 21 April 2010
Abstract in english: This diploma thesis is based on experimental testing guided by the hypothesis stating a correlation between the colour density of printing inks and orientation of connected dots which represent a CMY grey balance field in a CIELAB system. Three different print run have been measured for colour density of printing inks and CIE L, a, b values of CMY gray balance field. Testing results have shown that there is no regularity sufficient enough to back up the accuracy of the hypothesis. The possible problems and reasons for discarding the hypothesis are presented in the conclusion, but they do not prove that the hypothesis is incorrect. The irregularity was most probably caused by insufficientely wide range of colour density values of printing inks through specific print run, and the lack of opportunities for variation of a single CMY colour density with other values of colour density remain the same.
Uncontrolled Keywords: kontrola kvalitete, sivi balans, teorija boja
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 45
Callnumber: zja 2010 vis
Inventory number: D816
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 15 Nov 2013 21:36
Last Modified: 06 May 2014 13:43
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/792

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