Mrkoci, Ivan (2011) Utjecaj fotografije na urbanu kulturu. Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mikota, Miroslav].
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Grafiti nisu izumljeni u drugoj polovini 20 . stoljeća, već su postali dovoljno glasni da bi sredovječni bijelci počeli zarađivati preko knjiga i filmova o tome. Razlog zašto su graffiti postali tako popularni te ih ljudi više nisu mogli ignorirati? Tehnologija! Bez željeznica, telegrafa, oružja, otrovnog plina, ne bi bilo holokausta, a bez aerosol boje i fotografije ne bi bilo svjetskog grafiti pokreta, ali bi svejedno ljudi šarali po stvarima i dalje kao što su to radili od kada znaju za sebe . Grafiti su prirodni poput disanja. Kao što muškarci dižu utege da impresioniraju druge ljude, tako žene nose najnovije moderne krpice kako bi impresionirale druge žene. Kako pisci pišu za druge pisce, tako writeri crtaju za druge writere. Bez imena smo nitko i ništa. Ime nam daje priliku da postanemo besmrtni, te bi najveća kazna bila da nam se oduzme ime i pravo na njega. Nečije ime je potvrda njegova identiteta, njegovog postojanja. Kao što poslovni ljudi potpisuju dokumente tako i writer potpisuje svoj okoliš. Potpisi su bezvrijedni sami po sebi, te ga writer puni sadržajem. Teško je reći tko je bio prvi koji se potpisao, ali zato znamo otprilike tko su bili prvi ljudi koji su nam približili fenomen grafita preko svojih fotoaparata do današnjih knjiga koje se nalaze u našim rukama.
Item Type: | Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme |
Mentor name: | Mikota, Miroslav |
Defence date: | 21 March 2011 |
Abstract in english: | Graffiti were not invented in the second half of the 20th century, it just became loud enough so middle-aged white people could start making money through books and movies about it. The reason why graffiti have become so popular that people are no longer able to ignore it? Technology! Without railways, telegraphs, guns, poison gas, there would be no Holocaust, and no aerosol colors and images would not be the world's graffiti movement, but still people fret the things continue as they have been doing since you know for yourself. Graffiti are natural as breathing. As the men lifted weights to impress other people,so women wear the latest modern clothes to impress other women. How do writers write for other writers, as writers draw for other writers. Without names we are nobody and nothing. The name gives us the opportunity to become immortal, and the maximum sentence was suspended to give us the name and right to it. One's name is a confirmation of its identity, its existence. As business people sign documents so do writers do to their environment. Signatures are useless by themselves, writer fill's them with content. It's hard to tell who was the first to be signed, but we know about the people who were the first to approach the phenomenon of graffiti through their cameras to present in books that are in our hands. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | grafiti, tehnologija, fotografija, writer |
Keywords in english: | graffiti, technology,photography, writer |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 58 |
Callnumber: | mik 2011 mrk |
Inventory number: | D888 |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2013 21:38 |
Last Modified: | 02 May 2014 08:50 |
URI: | |
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