Tehnike reproduciranja iluminiranih rukopisa

Šustić, Ivana (2012) Tehnike reproduciranja iluminiranih rukopisa. Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mahović Poljaček, Sanja].

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Tema završnog rada obuhvaća pregled tehnika i materijala koje su se kroz povijest pa sve do danas koristile za reproduciranje iluminiranog rukopisa. Obuhvaća pregled pigmenata i boja koje su koristili stari majstori, popraćenih starim zapisima o njihovoj izradi i primjeni. Rad govori o razvoju načina ukrašavanja rukopisa i mogućnosti njihovog reproduciranja kroz tehnike drvoreza, bakroreza, litografije, pa sve do danas kada su nekadašnje iluminacije u potpunosti zamijenjene ilustracijama. Zaključak daje pregled promatranih tehnika i materijala za reprodukciju iluminiranih rukopisa te daje usporedbu s današnjom primjenom ilustracije kao načina ukrašavanja različitih grafičkih medija. Završno govori o dojmu i umjetničkom značenju iluminiranog rukopisnog djela u odnosu na ilustraciju kao sastavnog likovnog elementa reproducirane knjige.

Item Type: Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme
Mentor name: Mahović Poljaček, Sanja
Defence date: 1 February 2012
Abstract in english: The subject of this work includes an overview of techniques and materials that have been used in illuminated manuscripts throughout the history. A detail overview of pigments and dyes that were used by old masters has been included, accompanied by the old records of their design and implementation. The different processes of decorating manuscripts and types of reproduction techniques have been presented. The woodcut, cooper engraving and lithography are mentioned as old techniques for reproduction of illuminated manuscripts. The correlation between nowadays illustrations and illuminated motives has been observed. The final part of this work presents an overview of techniques and materials for reproduction of illuminated manuscripts in correlation with illustrations which are the visual elements of modern graphic media. Finally it gives the subjective impression and artistic significance of illuminated manuscript and modern illustration.
Uncontrolled Keywords: iluminirani rukopis, drvorez, bakrorez, litografija, ilustracija
Keywords in english: illuminated manuscripts, woodcuts, engraving, lithography, illustration
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 41
Callnumber: mah 2012 šus
Inventory number: D963
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 15 Nov 2013 21:40
Last Modified: 23 Apr 2014 13:12
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/917

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