Zdrilić, Kristina (2012) Razvoj novinskog tiska u Hrvatskoj u XIX stoljeću. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Lozo, Branka].
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U Hrvatskoj je u XIX stoljeću izlazio određeni broj značajnijih novina kao primjerice Kroatischer Korrespondent, Kraglski Dalmatin, Gajeve Narodne novine, itd., a njihov značaj na razvoj društva, buđenje nacionalne svijesti, te na opću informiranost vezanu uglavnom uz politička događanja i stanja na bojištima izvan granica Hrvatske je do sada detaljno obrađen i opisan u literaturi. Zbog toga što su te novine dragocjen izvor kulturnih i društvenih informacija tadašnjice, one se danas čuvaju u posebnim institucijama kao što je Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u strogo kontroliranim mikroklimatskim uvjetima, a njihov se sadržaj digitalizira kako bi bio dostupan i budućim naraštajima. Podataka o tehnikama tiska iz tog vremena relativno je malo, no sa sigurnošću možemo reći da su se novine tiskale unutar granica Hrvatske i to najvjerojatnije tehnikom visokog tiska. Polazeći od hipoteze da se svrha novinskog tiska u XIX stoljeću uvelike razlikovala od današnje uloge novina, na temelju proučavanja arhiviranih hrvatskih tiskovina cilj istraživanja je objediniti postojeće podatke, te istovremeno o njima ponuditi tehnološko objašnjenje korištenih tiskovnih materijala i tehnika tiska.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Lozo, Branka |
Defence date: | 28 June 2012 |
Abstract in english: | A several number of significant newspapers like Kroatischer Korrespondent, Kraglski Dalmatin, Narodne novine, etc., started to going out in Croatia in XIX century. The importance of their influence on the development of the society, awakening of the national consciousness and general information related with political events and situations on the battlefields out of Croatia borders are till now in detail described in various literature. Nowadays this newspapers are placed in institutions like National and University Library in strictly controlled microclimatic conditions because of their valuable source of cultural and social information of that time. Their content is being digitized so that can be available for other generations. There are little information about the printing techniques at that time, but certainly we can say that this newspapers were printed inside Croatia borders probably with the technique of high print. Starting from the hypothesis that the purpose of newspaper print in XIX century greatly differed from todays, the main goal of this research based on the study of archived Croatian newspapers is to integrate existing data and at the same time offer them the technological explanation of used substrates and printing techniques. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Razvoj novinskog tiska, arhivirane tiskovine, tiskovni materijali, tehnike tiska |
Keywords in english: | Development of Newspaper printing, archived publications, substrates, printing techniques |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 52 |
Callnumber: | loz 2012 zdr |
Inventory number: | DB108 |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2013 21:40 |
Last Modified: | 24 Apr 2014 10:50 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/929 |
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